Friday, October 15, 2010

I'm Moving On

I guess i have no feelings for you anymore. The only things that remain was just the memory. I'm moving on. I love my life. I love myself. I am with with my friends, and my favorite junior...(you guys know who). All of them are very supportive. And so as Kak Suraya and my Abg Khairul. I can live without you. You're just the memory from the past. But still, i can and will remain as your friends and no more than that. Well how i wish to have Mr D, but.........erm....


AzieYassin (Raveneye) said...


It's okay kalau u boleh dapat dia (Mr. D). tak mustahil. sangat2 logik, serious!

tapi u kene ingat, dia budak baik. and orang baik selayaknya dengan orang yang baik jugak. i tak kata u tak baik or jahat, but u need to improve yourself. u need to change a little bit so that u are better.

u are a good girl, but u are not the better that i've met. but u can be one. believe me, if you change, not even Mr. D, your Mr. Dream and Mr. Right and Mr. The Most Truest will come for you eventually. just change, pray and never not remembering Him even a slight second.

Forget the dark, enter the light. he who hurt you can never hold you high as long as you live.

your friend,
- G -

Cherylz Nur Izatty said...

thanks g ;) i will try...