Thursday, July 30, 2009

5 types of people that annoyed me

1. First and for most, 'The Plastics".

I just hate the 'Plastics'. Some of this type of person are okey to me but some of them really annoyed me. This type of person that usually making us fighting with each other because of their big smelly mouth that can't stop spreading the false rumours. Owe and this type of person also who's trying to overshadow you by being the lime light cause of such a f****n lame excuses.

2. Back stabber

I hate them. Can you imagine, they person that you have trusted for ages for keeping all your secrets etc, but turn out to be back stabbing you by hiding behind their angelic view......that sucks! Can be similar to the 'Plastics' but the different is you use to trust this person while the plastic, you already know that they can't be trusted.

3. The smokers.

The smokes are killing me. Please go away from me. (*too bad that my boyfie was also a smoker* sigh**)

4. The Annoying One

This annoying person can just give you some headache! First and for most i hate kids that annoying but i love cats that annoying. They just seems so cute. hehehe (*do get what i mean?* faham-faham sudah!*) Owe and they most annoying is when that one person 'merengek-rengek' by thinking he or she is too cute... (*badan macam bagak* kau ingat kau cute la buat perangai macam tu?*) so annoying!

5. Unfaithful

This type of person hurts me a lot. And i'm done with it!

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