It's been such a hectic and chaotic month.... Some are nice moment to remember and some that i wish i can totally ignore and forget about it! Well Mr. Boyfie is going back to Sabah this Wednesday.. So i'll be celebrating my bday alone...........huhuhu Frenz..........teman please.......... Ajie, Wanie, Mak Jah, Belerina...........etc........... I miss my fat baby cats. I miss baby troy......... I miss fat lazy hector...... Well the last time i went back home, hector is getting to look like and overweight fat cat. I ask my dad and brother to diet him, but of coz susah and takkan jadi.... That fat cat memang kaki bodek and always gets what he wanted.
Well....during this fasting month, i buat part time mcd. Well at least i usaha nak carik duit raya sendiri ye... Tanpe menggunakan any sugar daddy macam org2 tertentu... Erm... Mcd mana? Sh....biarlah rahsia :P Well....i eat mcd dish almost everyday during berbuka sampai dah muak.... So next time nak Mcd for untuk seketika... Hehehe..........
Gosh....i miss almost 3 weeks kot i tak balik. Since working there... Erm... well rite now sengkata dengan Miss Bola Ragbi seakan senyap. Tapi entahlah i still syak Miss Bola Ragbi still keeping something. Well i guess i'll find out soon. Oh dan tak sangka, memang ramai sangat yang tak suka dengan Miss Bola Ragbi tu.... So it's not just only me. Some call her playgirl tak laku sebab dah tua tapi bajet hot...sedangkan G is for Gemok! serious badan dan bola ragbi ko tak balance...........Btw, thanks pada informer yang bagitau pasal si bola ragbi ni... Oh and bola ragbi ni pun adaptasi dari kamu yer... hehehe..........
Oh gosh...dendam aku pada dia still ada lagi.... Gosh dah la bulan puasa aku mengutuk die. Of coz la aku tak puas hati.... She's started it kot... then nak bam aku plak.... Serious ko haram.... Dah la tak pernah nak appology due to all those mistakes yg dia dah buat kat aku.... Pape je lah.... Padanlah ko memang tak laku pun.. Dengan lecture pun boleh nak scandal...
Hopefully no one kat tenpat kerja didnt realise about my bday. If tidak....i'm dead... Kena simbah air ma......... Huhuhuhu tobat!
Hari ni mengantuk sangat...aku dah bangun pagi tadi then tidur balik. Tersedar dah pukul 11.30. Kelangkabut bersiap.
During bulan puasa ni, aku tak pernah lagi berbuka or sahur dengan family kat rumah. Rindunye.... erm ingat nak cancel class guitar dis week and nak balik rumah. Tapi...tengoklah macam mana nanti...
Oh lupe lagi...kat tempat kerja, i have 3 names. My real name Izatty, then Zety, and the last one is Ketty... Laen kan.......... Kalau Zety tu acceptable lagi... Tapi one of the manager tu suka panggil aku Kat, then terus kat tag aku dia letak name Ketty. And name glame i Ketty Perry ok...?! Hehehe...........
Erm ok la gtg........ I'll try to update lebih kerap ye......... da...........