Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Vote for Nazire

This is my bf audition clip for the celcom uox play. He play a song that he compose and named it 'Sitar'. He change the string pitch ain't like usual, to get the sound of the sitar. Hope you guys enjoy. Vote for Nazire.


Unknown said...

Nice. But a bit too long la. It's almost the same motif trough out the song, so, unless there's some unexpected changes in the song...it's a bit too long. Sbb this kind of song, only can get the attention of "non-musicians" listener...for about...two minutes or so. Then, they got bored coz it's the same thing. Even kalu perform kt fac kiter, belum tentu they will listen till the end. You cn bet on that. lolz

Unknown said...

one more thing, lupe nk tambah, towards the end, ada some interesting sound, I can see it's the climax..but then again...kinda too long for climax to be more than a minute. Kalu bg ppl like me, Aiman or en.adee dgr, yeah maybe, we won't get bored (or maybe not...lolz), but for the public, it's kinda too long. No offense, just giving an honest opinion. =)

Cherylz Nur Izatty said...

yeah i know. but i do enjoy it.maybe non musician akan fikir dia pelik. whatever lah. as long as he know what he's doin.hehehe

Unknown said...

yeah...of course. but when it comes to depending on voters, you must know what you're doing to get their vote...don't you think? unless it's judge 100% by professional judges, then maybe ada harapan. ;)